About 5aside.com™

(Ultimate5aside Ltd.)

After over a decade of playing football in 5aside leagues, we created 5aside.com (Ultimate5aside ltd) because we believed that 5aside could be better – The popularity of our leagues confirmed that we were not alone.

From realtime in-depth stats, player & team profiles to pitchside scoreboards, our improvements and innovations provide players with the ultimate 5aside experience.

Whether you are there for regular football, post-match drinks, an excuse to meet up with mates or all the above – We understand that 5aside is more than just a game to the 1.5 million people that play every week.

Find or join a 5aside football league or follow us today.

Company information

Ultimate5aside Ltd. (trading as 5aside.com™) is a limited company registered in England & Wales. Reg. number 09981910

Registered office address

7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR